Webhooks Destination

Destination Info
  • Server
Connection Modes
Device-mode Cloud-mode
Web Web
Mobile Mobile
Server Server

Webhooks (Classic) is in Maintenance mode

The Webhooks (Classic) Destination has entered maintenance mode. Future updates are limited to security updates and bug fixes. A new version of this destination is available. See Webhooks (Actions)

Segment Webhooks submit real-time user data to your own HTTP endpoints. A Webhook is an HTTP callback: a simple event-notification using HTTP POST. A web application implementing Webhooks will POST a message to a URL when certain things happen.

Getting Started

  1. From the Segment web app, click Catalog.
  2. Search for “Webhooks” in the Catalog, select it, and choose which of your sources to connect the destination to.
  3. Specify up to five different Webhook URLs, you would like to forward data to.
  4. Add in any header values you would like to add to the HTTP requests
  5. If you require authentication, add in a shared secret.
  6. Once enabled, Segment sends data to the configured webhook

Note: With each call, Segment sends receive a context object that provides information about the user’s device, IP address, etc. As you start experimenting, test the Webhooks destination with RequestBin.com and ultrahook to see requests as they come through.

Webhooks timeouts

When Segment sends an event to a webhook endpoint, the service must respond within 5 seconds. If Segment does not receive a response within that period, the system logs a timeout error and retries the event later.


If you’re not familiar with the Segment Specs, take a look to understand what the Page method does. An example call would look like:

POST https://your-webhook-url.com/x
User-Agent: Segment.io/1.0
Content-Type: application/json
    "version"       : 1,
    "type"          : "page",
    "userId"        : "019mr8mf4r",
    "properties"    : {
        "path"      : "/pricing",
        "referrer"  : "https://segment.com",
        "title"     : "Segment Pricing",
        "url"       : "https://segment.com/pricing"
    "timestamp" : "2012-12-02T00:30:08.276Z"


If you’re not familiar with the Segment Specs, take a look to understand what the Screen method does. An example call would look like:

POST https://your-webhook-url.com/x
User-Agent: Segment.io/1.0
Content-Type: application/json
    "version"   : 1,
    "type"      : "screen",
    "userId"    : "019mr8mf4r",
    "name"      : "Main Screen",
    "timestamp" : "2012-12-02T00:30:08.276Z",
    "context"   : {
        "device"     : {
            "model"  : "x86_64",
            "type"   : "ios"
        "os"         : {
            "name"   : "iPhone OS",
            "version": "7.1"
        "app"        : {
            "build"  : "88",
            "name"   : "YourApp",
            "version": "2.0.0"


If you’re not familiar with the Segment Specs, take a look to understand what the Identify method does. An example call would look like:

POST https://your-webhook-url.com/x
User-Agent: Segment.io/1.0
Content-Type: application/json
    "version"   : 1,
    "type"      : "identify",
    "userId"    : "019mr8mf4r",
    "traits"    : {
        "email"            : "achilles@segment.com",
        "name"             : "Achilles",
        "subscriptionPlan" : "Premium",
        "friendCount"      : 29
    "timestamp" : "2012-12-02T00:30:08.276Z"


If you’re not familiar with the Segment Specs, take a look to understand what the Track method does. An example call would look like:

POST https://your-webhook-url.com/x
User-Agent: Segment.io/1.0
Content-Type: application/json
    "version"    : 1,
    "type"       : "track",
    "userId"     : "019mr8mf4r",
    "event"      : "Purchased an Item",
    "properties" : {
        "revenue"        : "39.95",
        "shippingMethod" : "2-day"
    "timestamp" : "2012-12-02T00:30:08.276Z"


If you’re not familiar with the Segment Specs, take a look to understand what the Alias method does. An example call would look like:

POST https://your-webhook-url.com/x
User-Agent: Segment.io/1.0
Content-Type: application/json
    "version"   : 1,
    "type"      : "alias",
    "Previous ID"      : "previousId",
    "User ID"        : "userId",
    "timestamp" : "2012-12-02T00:30:08.276Z"


If you’re not familiar with the Segment Specs, take a look to understand what the Group method does. An example call would look like:

POST https://your-webhook-url.com/x
User-Agent: Segment.io/1.0
Content-Type: application/json
    "version"   : 1,
    "type"      : "group",
    "groupId"   : "0e8c78ea9d97a7b8185e8632",
    "userId"    : "019mr8mf4r",
    "traits"    : {
        "name"             : "Initech",
        "industry"         : "Technology",
        "employees"        : 329,
        "plan"             : "Enterprise",
        "total billed"     : 830
    "timestamp" : "2012-12-02T00:30:08.276Z"


When you create a deletion request, for each affected source that has webhooks enabled, Segment forwards a notification so that you can kick off any automations needed on your side. An example call would look like:

POST https://your-webhook-url.com/x
User-Agent: Segment.io/1.0
Content-Type: application/json
    "type"      : "delete",
    "userId"    : "019mr8mf4r",
    "timestamp" : "2012-12-02T00:30:08.276Z"



If you want to authenticate the requests being sent to your webhook endpoint, you can input a sharedSecret in the advanced option settings. If you provide this, Segment signs your requests using the shared secret and the body of the request, and add that as the ​X-Signature​ header. Segment calculates a SHA1 digest using the shared secret and the JSON-stringified body of the request.

An example of how one might authenticate the requests would be:

 var signature = req.headers['x-signature'];
 var digest = crypto
     .createHmac('sha1', settings.sharedSecret)
     .update(new Buffer(JSON.stringify(req.body),'utf-8'))

if (signature === digest) {

 // do cool stuff


For Batch events, the process to authenticate these requests slightly differs as it involves verifying the X-Signature header against a hash of the first event in the batch.

An example of how you might authenticate batch requests would be:

 const signature = req.headers['x-signature'];
 const digest = crypto
       .createHmac('sha1', 'sharedsecretvalue')

if (signature === digest) {

 // do cool stuff


SSL Certification

If your server is using HTTPS, note that our webhooks destination does not work with self-signed certs. If webhooks detects a self-signed cert it will throw an error and no request will be sent.

Sending to multiple webhooks

Under ‘Connection Settings’, you can provide up to 5 webhooks.

Note: If sending a message to any of the webhooks succeed, we consider the message to be successfully processed and won’t retry the request to the other webhooks. If your webhooks aren’t robust, you should consider using our Iron.io destination.


Segment retries requests that fail due to temporary errors like timeouts and 5xx status codes for up to four hours.

This page was last modified: 27 Aug 2024

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