Crazy Egg Destination

Destination Info
Connection Modes
Device-mode Cloud-mode
Web Web
Mobile Mobile
Server Server

Crazy Egg is a user testing tool that gives you heatmaps, clickmaps and scrollmaps of your visitors interacting with your site. It helps you learn where your users are having trouble. The Crazy Egg Destination is open-source. You can browse the code on GitHub.

Getting Started

  1. From the Segment web app, click Catalog.
  2. Search for “Crazy Egg” in the Catalog, select it, and choose which of your sources to connect the destination to.
  3. Navigate to the set up page within your Crazy Egg UI and copy the Account Number which should be a series of 8-9 numbers in bold.
  4. Enter this in the Segment app’s destination settings under “Account Number”.
  5. Enter the URL of the page you want to use heatmap tracking on to complete the set up process.

Your changes appear in the Segment CDN in about 45 minutes, and then Analytics.js starts asynchronously loading the Crazy Egg snippet and recording heatmap data.

You can navigate to the Crazy Egg Dashboard to track the data.

Note: It may take up to 24-48 hours for initial data to show up.


If you’re not familiar with the Segment Specs, take a look to understand what the Page method does. An example call would look like:;

As this is automatically included in the analytics.js snippet by default, you don’t need to take any further action. If you remove this default page call for whatever reason, Crazy Egg will not be able to record any heatmaps.

Note: Since Crazy Egg only records data about mouse clicks and scrolls, it does not collect any of the data represented by other standard Segment API methods.


I can’t map user variables

The current Crazy Egg Destination doesn’t support mapping of user variables out of the box. You will need to add your own additional JavaScript as specified in Crazy Egg’s Custom User Variables documentation.

Script unverified or undetected by third-party tool

Many times this is a limitation on the tool’s detection process, where the detector is looking for a specific HTML element on your page. Our client side analytics.js library asynchronously loads the tool’s library or pixel onto the page. As such, the detection fails.

In order to confirm that the tool’s library or pixel is actually loaded onto the page, you can open up the JavaScript console and go to the network tab when the page is loading.

Checking network tab to see if script loads

If the script isn’t loading, check that any form of ad blocker is disabled.


Segment lets you change these destination settings from the Segment app without having to touch any code.

Setting Description
Account Number
string. You can find your Account Number by going to the Crazy Egg Setup Instructions and clicking I use Segment. Your account number will appear in bold. It should be a series of numbers, like 00938301.

This page was last modified: 09 Aug 2024

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