VWO Cloud Mode (Actions) Destination

Destination Info
Partner Owned
  • This integration is partner owned. Please reach out to the partner's support for any issues.

Additional versions of this destination are available

This page is about the VWO Cloud Mode (Actions) Destination. See below for information about other versions of the VWO destination:

VWO is an optimization platform that allows websites to run experiments on their platforms to derive insights from visitor behavior and harness the results to amp up the conversion rate. Apart from experimentation, it also provides for personalization of the platform for different cohorts, full stack implementation, and direct deployment of the changes determined through experimentation.

The events and attributes that are transferred from Segment to your VWO account will appear under UNREGISTERED EVENTS and UNREGISTERED ATTRIBUTES sections, respectively. You need to save these events and attributes to VWO for further use.

Benefits of VWO Cloud Mode(Actions) vs VWO Classic

VWO Cloud Mode (Actions) provides the following benefits over the classic VWO destination:

  • Support for Customer Data Platform (Data360). With the cloud mode enabled, you will be able to transfer all the events and attributes into your VWO account through the Data360 module.
  • Support for FullStack. While the classic destination was serving only websites, the cloud mode can provide for server sources, as well.

Getting started

  1. From the Segment web app dashboard, navigate to Connections > Catalog.
  2. Under the Destinations tab, search for “VWO Cloud Mode (Actions)”, and select the destination.
  3. Click Configure VWO Cloud Mode (Actions).
  4. Select the source that will send data to VWO Cloud Mode (Actions), click Next to enter the name of your destination, and click Save.
  5. On the Settings tab, under Other Settings, click on Account ID, enter your VWO account ID, and click Save.
  6. To customize the mapping of actions, follow the steps in the Destinations Actions documentation on Customizing mappings. Mappings in Segment allow you to control the events and attributes that are sent to VWO.
  7. Enable the destination using the toggle switch.

VWO requires you to include a vwo_uuid key for all calls made in cloud-mode. The value of this key must be the VWO UUID(in the case of a website) or the User ID (in the case of FullStack). Track and Page calls require the vwo_uuid in the properties object. For Identify calls, you can place vwo_uuid in the traits object.

Using VWO Cloud mode destination with Web

VWO recommends using the VWO Web Mode destination for web pages as it requires minimal to no additional setup.

  1. Install the VWO SmartCode on your website following VWO’s guide Configuring SmartCode for Your Website
  2. Create a VWO campaign on your website.
  3. When a visitor lands on your website VWO generates a _vwo_uuid cookie that acts as a unique identifier for the visitor. To learn more about the VWO UUID, see VWO’s article How to locate your VWO UUID.
  4. Pass the value of the _vwo_uuid cookie with every call to Segment in the vwo_uuid key. Track and Page calls require the vwo_uuid in the properties object. For Identify calls, you can place vwo_uuid in the traits object.

    To automate this step, you can use Segment Analytics.js middleware and use the following script on your website. This script fetches the VWO UUID from the cookie and adds it to the segment payload so that you don’t have to do the same manually.
  analytics.addSourceMiddleware(({ payload, next, integrations }) => {
    const getCookie = function (name) {
      const value = `; ${document.cookie}`;
      const parts = value.split(`; ${name}=`);
      if (parts.length === 2) return parts.pop().split(";").shift();
    const event = payload.obj;
    const vwoUuid = getCookie("_vwo_uuid");
    switch (event.type) {
      case "track":
      case "page":
        payload.obj.properties.vwo_uuid = vwoUuid;
      case "identify":
        payload.obj.traits.vwo_uuid = vwoUuid;

All the events triggered in Segment will be available under UNREGISTERED EVENTS in the Data360 > Events section in VWO. For more information about Events in VWO Data360, see VWO’s article Working with Events in VWO.

Using VWO Cloud mode destination with VWO FullStack

To use the VWO Cloud mode destination with the VWO FullStack suite, link your VWO FullStack environment with Segment using the environment’s SDK key. After that’s done, integrate your VWO account with Segment.

To link your VWO FullStack environment with Segment:

  1. From your VWO dashboard, navigate to the nav bar on the left > FullStack > Projects and select the appropriate project.
  2. Under the Environments section, click the Copy button corresponding to the environment that you want to link to Segment.
  3. In the VWO SDK Key field in the destination settings in Segment, paste the copied SDK key from the previous step.
  4. Click Save Changes.

To integrate Segment with VWO FullStack:

  1. Initialize VWO FullStack SDK. Follow the steps for your server in VWO’s Quick Start Guide.
  2. To track visitors in VWO, provide the user IDs of the visitors, which were used to track them in the VWO FullStack campaign. Pass that same User ID as vwo_uuid with all calls to Segment. Track and Page calls require the vwo_uuid in the properties object. For Identify calls, you can place vwo_uuid in the traits object..
  3. All the events triggered in Segment will be available under UNREGISTERED EVENTS section which can be accessed by navigating from the left navbar > Data360 > Events.

Using VWO Cloud mode destination with audiences in VWO

By adding the VWO Cloud mode destination to your Segment audiences, you can export audiences to your VWO account to target your campaigns in VWO. To achieve this, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Engage > Engage Settings, and click Destinations.
    • Ensure that you’re in the Engage space you plan to use for VWO.
  2. Click Add Destination.
  3. Search for “VWO Cloud Mode (Actions)” and select the destination. Click Add Destination.
  4. On the Select Source screen, you’ll see your Engage space selected as the source. Click Confirm Source.
  5. Select the VWO Cloud mode destination that you’ve created and navigate to the Settings tab. Name your destination and enter your VWO Account ID. Toggle Enable Destination on and click Save Changes.
    • You’ll find your VWO account ID at the top of the VWO dashboard.
  6. Navigate to the Mappings tab and click New Mapping. Under PRE-BUILT MAPPINGS, select Sync Audience, then click Save.
  7. The STATUS of the mapping displays as disabled by default. Enable the mapping using the toggle.
  8. Navigate to Engage > Audiences. Choose an existing Engage audience or create a new one to export to VWO.
  9. Click Add Destination and select the VWO Cloud Mode destination you created. From the Connection Settings screen, toggle the Send Track option on. Be sure you don’t change the Audience Entered/Audience Exited event names. Click Save.

After you set up your destination, you can repeat steps eight and nine to sync any subsequent audiences.

Visit Using Data From Segment for more on how to configure audiences in VWO.

Supported Segment Calls in VWO

VWO Supports the following calls, as specified in the Segment Spec.


The Track call records any actions your visitors perform, along with any properties that describe the action. Each action is known as an event.

The destination forwards these events to VWO Data360 where they can be seen under the UNREGISTERED EVENTS section in Data360 > Events in VWO. These events can be registered and used as Metrics in VWO.

Sample payload for Track Call to the destination

analytics.track("Segment Test Event", {
	"vwo_uuid": "<VWO UUID or User ID>",
	"property1": "value1"

Corresponding JavaScript event that would generate the above payload

  "type": "track",
  "event": "<Event Name>",
  "properties": {
    "vwo_uuid": "<VWO UUID or User ID>",
    "property1": "value1"

Event names are prepended with segment. before they’re sent to VWO. If an event named “ctaClick” is triggered in Segment, it appears as segment.ctaClick under UNREGISTERED EVENTS in VWO.


The Identify call associates a visitor with their actions and captures their traits.

The destination forwards these traits to VWO Data360 where they can be seen under the UNREGISTERED ATTRIBUTES section in the Data360 > Attributes in VWO. These attributes can be registered and used to create segments in VWO. For more information about Attributes in VWO Data360, see Working with Attributes in VWO.

Sample payload for Identify call to the destination

  "type": "identify",
  "traits": {
    "vwo_uuid": "<VWO UUID or User ID>",
    "trait1": "value1"

Corresponding JavaScript event that would generate the above payload

	"vwo_uuid": "<VWO UUID or User ID>",
	"trait1": "value1"

Each trait key will be prepended with “segment.” before sending to VWO. So if a trait named “trait1” is sent in Segment, it’ll appear as “segment.trait1” under UNREGISTERED ATTRIBUTES in VWO.


The Page call records when a visitor arrives at a page of your website, along with any optional properties about the page. When received, the destination triggers VWO’s Page Visit event.

Use Page calls with web pages only. Server-side sources in VWO’s FullStack Suite do not support the Page Visit event.

Sample payload for Page Call to the destination

  "type": "page",
  "properties": {
    "vwo_uuid": "<VWO UUID or User ID>"

Corresponding JavaScript event that would generate the above payload

	"vwo_uuid": "<VWO UUID or UserID>",

Destination Settings

Setting Description

VWO Fullstack SDK Key. It is mandatory when using the VWO Fullstack suite.


VWO Region to sync data to. Default is US

Your VWO account ID Required.

Enter your VWO Account ID

Available Presets

VWO Cloud Mode (Actions) has the following presets:

Preset Name Trigger Default Action
Page Visit Event type = "page"
Page Visit
Track Event Event type = "track"
Track Event
Identify User Event type = "identify"
Identify User
Sync Audience Event event = "Audience Entered"
Event event = "Audience Exited"
Sync Audience

Available Actions

Build your own Mappings. Combine supported triggers with the following VWO Cloud Mode-supported actions:

Mapping limits per destination

Individual destination instances have support a maximum of 50 mappings.

Identify User

Maps Segment’s visitor traits to the visitor attributes in VWO

Identify User is a Cloud action. The default Trigger is: type = "identify"

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
attributes* Type: OBJECT

Visitor’s attributes to be mapped



Page Type: OBJECT

Contains context information regarding a webpage

IP Address Type: STRING

IP address of the user

User Agent Type: STRING

User-Agent of the user

Timestamp Type: STRING

Timestamp on the event

Page Visit

Sends Segment’s page event to VWO

Page Visit is a Cloud action. The default Trigger is: type = "page"

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description

URL of the webpage



Page Type: OBJECT

Contains context information regarding a webpage

IP Address Type: STRING

IP address of the user

User Agent Type: STRING

User-Agent of the user

Timestamp Type: STRING

Timestamp on the event

Track Event

Sends Segment’s track event to VWO

Track Event is a Cloud action. The default Trigger is: type = "track"

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
Name* Type: STRING

Name of the event

Properties Type: OBJECT

JSON object containing additional properties that will be associated with the event.



Page Type: OBJECT

Contains context information regarding a webpage

IP Address Type: STRING

IP address of the user

User Agent Type: STRING

User-Agent of the user

Timestamp Type: STRING

Timestamp on the event

Sync Audience

Syncs Segment audiences to VWO

Sync Audience is a Cloud action. The default Trigger is: event = "Audience Entered" or event = "Audience Exited"

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
Event Name* Type: STRING

Name of the event

User ID Type: STRING

An unique identifier for the user

Anonymous ID Type: STRING

Anonymous ID for users

Audience ID* Type: STRING

Segment’s audience ID

This page was last modified: 30 Aug 2023

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