Recombee Destination

Destination Info
Partner Owned
  • This integration is partner owned. Please reach out to the partner's support for any issues.

Additional versions of this destination are available

This page is about the Recombee Destination. See below for information about other versions of the Recombee destination:

Recombee is a Recommender as a Service, offering precise content or product recommendations and personalized search based on user behavior.

Use this Segment destination to send your interaction data (for example, views, purchases, or plays) to Recombee.

This destination is maintained by Recombee. For any issues with the destination, contact the Recombee Support team.

Benefits of Recombee (Actions) vs Recombee AI Classic

The new Recombee destination built on the Segment Actions framework provides the following benefits over the classic Recombee AI destination:

  • Streamlined Configuration: You can now create mappings in a dedicated tab in the Segment web app, as opposed to needing to edit this in the destination’s settings. This allows you to configure the mappings on a per-event basis and makes it easier to verify that your mappings work as intended.
  • Removable Bookmarks: You can now use the Delete Bookmark Action to remove the bookmark interaction from the Recombee database.

Migration from the classic Recombee AI destination

Recombee recommends ensuring that a Recombee (Actions) destination and a classic Recombee AI destination connected to the same source are not enabled at the same time in order to prevent errors.

Configuration changes

Recombee made the following configuration changes when setting up the new destination:

  • Renamed the API Key setting to Private Token: This better reflects the type of token required.
  • Removed the Track Events Mapping setting: If you want to map custom events to Recombee interactions, create your own mappings on the Mappings tab in the Segment app.
  • Removed the Item ID Property Name setting: This functionality is now available in Segment’s native Mappings tab. Ensure that your mappings use the desired property for the Item ID action field.
  • In presets, the **Item ID property is determined differently: In the default settings, the asset_id property (or sku for Ecommerce events) is now the fallback property, instead of name. The name property is never used by default, as it may not conform to the required **Item ID format. The property content_asset_id (or the first ID in content_asset_ids,) is now the default Item ID only in Video events, where they are always present.

Getting started

  1. If you don’t already have one, set up a Recombee account.
  2. From the Segment web app, navigate to Connections > Destinations and click Add Destination.
  3. Select Recombee and click Add Destination.
  4. Select an existing Source to connect to Recombee.
  5. Navigate to the Recombee Admin UI and complete the following actions:
    • Choose the Recombee Database where you want to send the interactions.
    • Click Settings in the menu on the left.
    • In the API ID & Tokens settings section, find the Database ID and the Private Token of the Database.
  6. Back in the Segment app, navigate to the settings page of the Recombee destination you created.
    • Copy the Database ID from the Recombee Admin UI and paste it into the Database ID field in the destination settings.
    • Copy the Private Token from the Recombee Admin UI and paste it into the Private Token field in the destination settings.

Once you send the data from Segment to the Recombee destination, you can:

  • Open the KPI console of the Recombee Admin UI to see the numbers of the ingested interactions (updated in realtime).
  • Select the ID of an Item (or User) in the Items (or Users) catalog section in the Admin UI to view a specific ingested interaction.

Destination Settings

Setting Description

URI of the Recombee API that should be used. Keep this field empty unless you are calling the Recombee cluster based in a specific region or you were assigned a custom URI by the Recombee Support team.

Database ID Required.

The ID of the Recombee Database into which the interactions will be sent.

Database Region Required.

The Recombee cluster where your Database is located. Learn more

Private Token Required.

The private token for the Recombee Database used.

Available Presets

Recombee has the following presets:

Preset Name Trigger Default Action
Ecommerce - Product Added to Wishlist Event type = "track" and event = "Product Added to Wishlist"
Add Bookmark
Ecommerce - Order Completed Event type = "track" and event = "Order Completed"
Add Purchase
Ecommerce - Product Removed from Wishlist Event type = "track" and event = "Product Removed from Wishlist"
Delete Bookmark
Page - Viewed Event type = "page"
Add Detail View
Ecommerce - Product Removed Event type = "track" and event = "Product Removed"
Delete Cart Addition
Ecommerce - Product Added Event type = "track" and event = "Product Added"
Add Cart Addition
Video - Playback Paused Event type = "track" and event = "Video Playback Paused"
Set View Portion from Watch Time
Video - Playback Completed Event type = "track" and event = "Video Playback Completed"
Set View Portion
Alias Event type = "alias"
Merge Users
Screen - Viewed Event type = "screen"
Add Detail View
Video - Content Playing Event type = "track" and event = "Video Content Playing"
Set View Portion from Watch Time
Ecommerce - Product Shared Event type = "track" and event = "Product Shared"
Add Bookmark
Video - Playback Started Event type = "track" and event = "Video Playback Started"
Set View Portion
Ecommerce - Product Viewed Event type = "track" and event = "Product Viewed"
Add Detail View

Available Actions

Build your own Mappings. Combine supported triggers with the following Recombee-supported actions:

Mapping limits per destination

Individual destination instances have support a maximum of 50 mappings.

Add Cart Addition

Adds a cart addition of the given item made by the given user.

Add Cart Addition is a Cloud action. The default Trigger is: type = "track" and event = "Product Added"

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
User ID* Type: STRING

The ID of the user who added the item to the cart.

Item* Type: OBJECT

The item that was added to the cart.

Timestamp Type: STRING

The UTC timestamp of when the cart addition occurred.

Recommendation ID Type: STRING

The ID of the clicked recommendation (if the cart addition is based on a recommendation request).

Additional Data Type: OBJECT

Additional data to be stored with the cart addition. Keep this field empty unless instructed by the Recombee Support team.

Enable Batching? Type: BOOLEAN

When enabled, Segment will send events in batches.

Set View Portion from Watch Time

Sets the viewed portion of a given item (e.g. a video or article) by the given user. Use this action when you have the watch time of the item (e.g. in seconds) instead of the portion watched.

Set View Portion from Watch Time is a Cloud action.

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
User ID* Type: STRING

The ID of the user who viewed a portion of the item.

Item ID* Type: STRING

The viewed item.

Timestamp Type: STRING

The UTC timestamp of when the view portion occurred.

Portion* Type: OBJECT

The portion of the item that the user viewed.

Session ID Type: STRING

The ID of the session in which the user viewed the item.

Recommendation ID Type: STRING

The ID of the clicked recommendation (if the view portion is based on a recommendation request).

Additional Data Type: OBJECT

Additional data to be stored with the view portion. Keep this field empty unless instructed by the Recombee Support team.

Enable Batching? Type: BOOLEAN

When enabled, Segment will send events in batches.

Delete Bookmark

Deletes a bookmark of the given item made by the given user.

Delete Bookmark is a Cloud action. The default Trigger is: type = "track" and event = "Product Removed from Wishlist"

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
User ID* Type: STRING

The ID of the user who bookmarked the item.

Item ID* Type: STRING

The item that was bookmarked.

Timestamp Type: STRING

The UTC timestamp of when the bookmark occurred. If the timestamp is omitted, then all the bookmarks with the given userId and itemId are deleted.

Enable Batching? Type: BOOLEAN

When enabled, Segment will send events in batches.

Add Detail View

Adds a detail view of the given item made by the given user.

Add Detail View is a Cloud action.

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
User ID* Type: STRING

The ID of the user who viewed the item.

Item ID* Type: STRING

The viewed item.

Timestamp Type: STRING

The UTC timestamp of when the view occurred.

Duration Type: INTEGER

The duration of the view in seconds.

Recommendation ID Type: STRING

The ID of the clicked recommendation (if the view is based on a recommendation request).

Additional Data Type: OBJECT

Additional data to be stored with the view. Keep this field empty unless instructed by the Recombee Support team.

Enable Batching? Type: BOOLEAN

When enabled, Segment will send events in batches.

Add Rating

Adds a rating of the given item made by the given user.

Add Rating is a Cloud action.

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
User ID* Type: STRING

The ID of the user who submitted the rating.

Item ID* Type: STRING

The rated item.

Timestamp Type: STRING

The UTC timestamp of when the rating occurred.

Rating* Type: NUMBER

The rating of the item rescaled to interval [-1.0,1.0], where -1.0 means the worst rating possible, 0.0 means neutral, and 1.0 means absolutely positive rating. For example, in the case of 5-star evaluations, rating = (numStars-3)/2 formula may be used for the conversion.

Recommendation ID Type: STRING

The ID of the clicked recommendation (if the rating is based on a recommendation request).

Additional Data Type: OBJECT

Additional data to be stored with the rating. Keep this field empty unless instructed by the Recombee Support team.

Enable Batching? Type: BOOLEAN

When enabled, Segment will send events in batches.

Merge Users

Merges interactions (purchases, ratings, bookmarks, detail views, …) of two different users under a single user ID.

Merge Users is a Cloud action. The default Trigger is: type = "alias"

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
Target User ID* Type: STRING

The ID of the target user that will be kept after the merge.

Source User ID* Type: STRING

The ID of the source user that will be deleted after the merge.

Enable Batching? Type: BOOLEAN

When enabled, Segment will send events in batches.

Add Bookmark

Adds a bookmark of the given item made by the given user.

Add Bookmark is a Cloud action. The default Trigger is: type = "track" and event = "Product Added to Wishlist"

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
User ID* Type: STRING

The ID of the user who bookmarked the item.

Item ID* Type: STRING

The bookmarked item.

Timestamp Type: STRING

The UTC timestamp of when the bookmark event occurred.

Recommendation ID Type: STRING

The ID of the clicked recommendation (if the bookmark is based on a recommendation request).

Additional Data Type: OBJECT

Additional data to be stored with the bookmark. Keep this field empty unless instructed by the Recombee Support team.

Enable Batching? Type: BOOLEAN

When enabled, Segment will send events in batches.

Delete Cart Addition

Deletes a cart addition of the given item made by the given user.

Delete Cart Addition is a Cloud action. The default Trigger is: type = "track" and event = "Product Removed"

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
User ID* Type: STRING

The ID of the user who added the item to the cart.

Item ID* Type: STRING

The item that was added to the cart.

Timestamp Type: STRING

The UTC timestamp of when the cart addition occurred. If the timestamp is omitted, then all the cart additions with the given userId and itemId are deleted.

Enable Batching? Type: BOOLEAN

When enabled, Segment will send events in batches.

Add Purchase

Adds a purchase of the given item(s) made by the given user.

Add Purchase is a Cloud action.

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
User ID* Type: STRING

The ID of the user who purchased the item(s).

Items* Type: OBJECT

The items that were purchased.

Timestamp Type: STRING

The UTC timestamp of when the purchase occurred.

Recommendation ID Type: STRING

The ID of the clicked recommendation (if the purchase is based on a recommendation request).

Additional Data Type: OBJECT

Additional data to be stored with the purchase. Keep this field empty unless instructed by the Recombee Support team.

Enable Batching? Type: BOOLEAN

When enabled, Segment will send events in batches.

Set View Portion

Sets the viewed portion of a given item (e.g. a video or article) by the given user. Use this action when you have the viewed portion as a number between 0 and 1.

Set View Portion is a Cloud action.

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
User ID* Type: STRING

The ID of the user who viewed a portion of the item.

Item ID* Type: STRING

The viewed item.

Timestamp Type: STRING

The UTC timestamp of when the view portion occurred.

Portion* Type: NUMBER

The viewed portion of the item as a number in the interval [0.0,1.0], where 0.0 means the user viewed nothing and 1.0 means the full item was viewed. It should be the actual viewed part of the item, no matter the seeking. For example, if the user seeked immediately to half of the item and then viewed 10% of the item, the portion should still be 0.1.

Session ID Type: STRING

The ID of the session in which the user viewed the item.

Recommendation ID Type: STRING

The ID of the clicked recommendation (if the view portion is based on a recommendation request).

Additional Data Type: OBJECT

Additional data to be stored with the view portion. Keep this field empty unless instructed by the Recombee Support team.

Enable Batching? Type: BOOLEAN

When enabled, Segment will send events in batches.

Reporting successful recommendations

You can inform Recombee that a specific interaction resulted from a successful recommendation (meaning the recommendations were presented to a user and the user clicked on one of the items) by setting the ID of the successful recommendation request in the Recommendation ID field of the action (this is the recomm_id property by default). You can read more about this setting in Recombee’s Reported Metrics documentation

Sending the Recommendation ID gives you precise numbers about successful recommendations in the KPI section of the Recombee Admin UI. This explicit feedback also helps improve the output of the recommendation models.

This page was last modified: 19 Dec 2024

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