Mixpanel (Actions) Destination

Destination Info
Partner Owned
  • This integration is partner owned. Please reach out to the partner's support for any issues.

Additional versions of this destination are available

This page is about the Mixpanel (Actions) Destination. See below for information about other versions of the Mixpanel destination:

Mixpanel enables you to build better products through powerful, self-serve product analytics to help you convert, engage, and retain more users.

Benefits of Mixpanel (Actions) vs Mixpanel Classic

Mixpanel (Actions) provides the following benefits over the classic Mixpanel destination:

  • Simpler setup - Mixpanel (Actions) has a streamlined default setup process making it easier to get started in a way that “just works”.
  • More control - Actions-based destinations enable you to define the mapping between the data Segment receives from your source, and the data Segment sends to the destination.
  • Additional default property mappings - More default mappings from the Segment context like app name, app namespace, device type, and more.
  • Improved Groups support - Implementation of Segment Groups with Mixpanel Group Analytics is easier. If you’re already using Segment Groups, no code changes are required.
  • E-commerce mappings - Mixpanel (Actions) accepts products nested within arrays in the Order Completed event as described in the Segment ecommerce spec.
  • Batching Requests - If you have a lot of events, Mixpanel (Actions) provides more efficient way to receive and process those large sets of data.

Getting started

  1. Go to your Mixpanel project settings. Copy the Mixpanel API Key and API Secret for your project.
  2. From the Segment web app, click Catalog, then click Destinations.
  3. Find the Destinations Actions item in the left navigation, and click it.
  4. Click the “Mixpanel” item to select it and click Configure.
  5. Choose which of your sources to connect the destination to. (You can connect more sources to the destination later.)

Connection Modes for Mixpanel (Actions) destination

The Mixpanel (Actions) destination does not offer a device-mode connection mode. If you’re using one of Segment’s new libraries (Analytics.js 2.0, Swift or Kotlin) with the Actions-framework version of the destination, you do not need the device-mode connection.

Destination Settings

Setting Description
Data Residency

Learn about EU data residency and India data residency

Secret Key Required.

Mixpanel project secret.

Project Token Required.

Mixpanel project token.

Source Name

This value, if it’s not blank, will be sent as segment_source_name to Mixpanel for every event/page/screen call.

Strict Mode

This value, if it’s 1 (recommended), Mixpanel will validate the events you are trying to send and return errors per event that failed. Learn more about the Mixpanel Import Events API

Available Presets

Mixpanel (Actions) has the following presets:

Preset Name Trigger Default Action
Page Calls Event type = "page"
Track Event
Track Calls Event type = "track" and event != "Order Completed"
Track Event
Identify Calls Event type = "identify"
Identify User
Group Calls Event type = "group"
Group Identify User
Order Completed Calls Event type = "track" and event = "Order Completed"
Track Purchase
Screen Calls Event type = "screen"
Track Event

Available Actions

Build your own Mappings. Combine supported triggers with the following Mixpanel-supported actions:

Mapping limits per destination

Individual destination instances have support a maximum of 50 mappings.


Create an alias to a distinct id. This action is primarily supported for the sake of customers using the legacy identity management in their Mixpanel project. For new customers or those who have migrated to the new identity management in Mixpanel should use identify.

Alias is a Cloud action.

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
Alias Type: STRING

A new distinct id to be merged with the original distinct id. Each alias can only map to one distinct id.

Distinct ID Type: STRING

A distinct id to be merged with the alias.

Group Identify User

Updates or adds properties to a group profile. The profile is created if it does not exist. Learn more about Group Analytics.

Group Identify User is a Cloud action. The default Trigger is: type = "group"

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
Group Key Type: STRING

The group key you specified in Mixpanel under Project settings. If this is not specified, it will be defaulted to “$group_id”.

Group ID* Type: STRING

The unique identifier of the group. If there is a trait that matches the group key, it will override this value.

Group Properties Type: OBJECT

The properties to set on the group profile.

In the default configuration, Mixpanel (Actions) triggers this action when it receives a Group call.

Group Analytics is available as an add-on package to customers on Growth and Enterprise plans.

This action sets or updates the properties of specific groups. Use this when you want to update properties on a group profile.

The Groups model in Segment is slightly different than in Mixpanel. To explain the conceptual difference, it may help to think in terms of database tables. In Segment, there is a single “groups” table. You can have as many group rows as you want and each row has a unique identifier. When you want to set traits on that group, you only need to know the group id.

However, in Segment you cannot distinguish between “types” of groups. For example, a user can belong to a “Company” as well as a “Team”. There is no way to differentiate between those in Segment. In Mixpanel, you can have multiple group types which are defined by a group key. To update group traits in Mixpanel you need to specify the group key and group id.

Default group key

By default, the Mixpanel (Actions) destination uses $group_id as the group key. Create a new group in Mixpanel with $group_id as the group key to complete the configuration.

  1. Go to your Mixpanel project settings
  2. Scroll to the “Group Keys” section. If this section doesn’t exist, you may not have the Group Analytics add-on.
  3. Create the new group key:

Set Group Key

Using a different group key

If you already have a group set up in Mixpanel with a different group key and wish to use that one, you can specify it in the Group Key field of the destination configuration.

Backwards-compatibility with Mixpanel Classic destination

In the classic destination, the “group id” specified in the Segment SDK call was ignored and you were required to set a trait where the key of the trait is the group key and the value of that trait is the group id. While that is no longer necessary, this behavior is supported in the Mixpanel (Actions) destination to ensure backwards-compatibility. If you specify a trait that matches specified group key, Mixpanel uses the value of that trait as the group id.

Scenario 1: No group key trait specified

analytics.group("0e8c78ea9d97a7b8185e8632", {
  name: "Initech",
  industry: "Technology",
  employees: 329,
  plan: "enterprise",
  "total billed": 830

The group id that Mixpanel will use is 0e8c78ea9d97a7b8185e8632.

Scenario 2: Group key trait IS specified

analytics.group("0e8c78ea9d97a7b8185e8632", {
  $group_id: "12345",
  name: "Initech",
  industry: "Technology",
  employees: 329,
  plan: "enterprise",
  "total billed": 830

The group id that Mixpanel will use is 12345.

The below special traits will be mapped to Mixpanel reserved properties automatically to fit Mixpanel’s use cases. traits.name -> $name.

Track Event

Send an event to Mixpanel. Learn more about Events in Mixpanel

Track Event is a Cloud action. The default Trigger is: type = "track"

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
Event Name* Type: STRING

The name of the action being performed.

Distinct ID Type: STRING

A distinct ID specified by you.

Anonymous ID Type: STRING

A distinct ID randomly generated prior to calling identify.

User ID Type: STRING

The distinct ID after calling identify.

Group ID Type: STRING

The unique identifier of the group that performed this event.

Insert ID Type: STRING

A random id that is unique to an event. Mixpanel uses $insert_id to deduplicate events.

Timestamp Type: DATETIME

The timestamp of the event. Mixpanel expects epoch timestamp in millisecond or second. Please note, Mixpanel only accepts this field as the timestamp. If the field is empty, it will be set to the time Mixpanel servers receive it.

App Name Type: STRING

The name of your application.

App Namespace Type: STRING

The namespace of your application.

App Build Type: STRING

The current build of your application.

App Version Type: STRING

The current version of your application.

OS Name Type: STRING

The name of the mobile operating system or browser that the user is using.

OS Version Type: STRING

The version of the mobile operating system or browser the user is using.

Device ID Type: STRING

A unique identifier for the device the user is using.

Device Type Type: STRING

The type of the user’s device.

Device Name Type: STRING

The name of the user’s device.

Device Manufacturer Type: STRING

The device manufacturer that the user is using.

Device Model Type: STRING

The device model that the user is using.

Bluetooth Enabled Type: BOOLEAN

Whether bluetooth is enabled.

Carrier Type: STRING

The carrier that the user is using.

Cellular Enabled Type: BOOLEAN

Whether cellular is enabled.

Wifi Type: BOOLEAN

Set to true if user’s device has an active, available Wifi connection, false if not.

Country Type: STRING

The current country of the user.

Region Type: STRING

The current region of the user.

Language Type: STRING

The language set by the user.

Library Name Type: STRING

The name of the SDK used to send events.

Library Version Type: STRING

The version of the SDK used to send events.

IP Address Type: STRING

The IP address of the user. This is only used for geolocation and won’t be stored.

Identifier For Advertiser (IDFA) Type: STRING

Identifier for Advertiser. (iOS)


The full URL of the webpage on which the event is triggered.

Screen width Type: NUMBER

Width, in pixels, of the device screen.

Screen height Type: NUMBER

Height, in pixels, of the device screen.

Screen density Type: NUMBER

Pixel density of the device screen.

Referrer Type: STRING

Referrer url

User Agent Type: STRING

User agent

Advertising ID Type: STRING

Advertising ID

Ad Tracking Enabled Type: STRING

Ad Tracking Enabled (true or false)

Timezone Type: STRING

The event timezone

App Platform Type: STRING

The App Platform, if applicable

Event Original Name Type: STRING

The Event Original Name, if applicable

Event Properties Type: OBJECT

An object of key-value pairs that represent additional data to be sent along with the event.

UTM Properties Type: OBJECT

UTM Tracking Properties

Batch Data to Mixpanel Type: BOOLEAN

Set as true to ensure Segment sends data to Mixpanel in batches.

Batch Size Type: NUMBER

Maximum number of events to include in each batch. Actual batch sizes may be lower.

User Agent Data Type: OBJECT

The user agent data of device sending the event

Identify User

Set the user ID for a particular device ID or update user properties. Learn more about User Profiles and Identity Management.

Identify User is a Cloud action. The default Trigger is: type = "identify"

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
IP Address Type: STRING

The IP address of the user. This is only used for geolocation and won’t be stored.

User ID Type: STRING

The unique user identifier set by you

Anonymous ID Type: STRING

The generated anonymous ID for the user

User Properties Type: OBJECT

Properties to set on the user profile

Segment maps the userId set in the identify event to the distinct ID in Mixpanel. Segment also maps the following traits to Mixpanel reserved properties to fit Mixpanel’s use cases: traits.created -> $created, traits.email -> $email, traits.firstName -> $first_name, traits.lastName -> $last_name, traits.name -> $name, traits.username -> $username and traits.phone -> $phone.

Track Purchase

Send an ‘Order Completed’ Event to Mixpanel.

Track Purchase is a Cloud action. The default Trigger is: type = "track"

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
Generate Purchase Event Per Product Type: BOOLEAN

When enabled, send “Product Purchased” with each product within the event.

Distinct ID Type: STRING

A distinct ID specified by you.

Anonymous ID Type: STRING

A distinct ID randomly generated prior to calling identify.

User ID Type: STRING

The distinct ID after calling identify.

Group ID Type: STRING

The unique identifier of the group that performed this event.

Insert ID Type: STRING

A random id that is unique to an event. Mixpanel uses $insert_id to deduplicate events.

Timestamp Type: DATETIME

The timestamp of the event. Mixpanel expects epoch timestamp in millisecond or second. Please note, Mixpanel only accepts this field as the timestamp. If the field is empty, it will be set to the time Mixpanel servers receive it.

App Name Type: STRING

The name of your application.

App Namespace Type: STRING

The namespace of your application.

App Build Type: STRING

The current build of your application.

App Version Type: STRING

The current version of your application.

OS Name Type: STRING

The name of the mobile operating system or browser that the user is using.

OS Version Type: STRING

The version of the mobile operating system or browser the user is using.

Device ID Type: STRING

A unique identifier for the device the user is using.

Device Type Type: STRING

The type of the user’s device.

Device Name Type: STRING

The name of the user’s device.

Device Manufacturer Type: STRING

The device manufacturer that the user is using.

Device Model Type: STRING

The device model that the user is using.

Bluetooth Enabled Type: BOOLEAN

Whether bluetooth is enabled.

Carrier Type: STRING

The carrier that the user is using.

Cellular Enabled Type: BOOLEAN

Whether cellular is enabled.

Wifi Type: BOOLEAN

Set to true if user’s device has an active, available Wifi connection, false if not.

Country Type: STRING

The current country of the user.

Region Type: STRING

The current region of the user.

Language Type: STRING

The language set by the user.

Library Name Type: STRING

The name of the SDK used to send events.

Library Version Type: STRING

The version of the SDK used to send events.

IP Address Type: STRING

The IP address of the user. This is only used for geolocation and won’t be stored.

Identifier For Advertiser (IDFA) Type: STRING

Identifier for Advertiser. (iOS)


The full URL of the webpage on which the event is triggered.

Screen width Type: NUMBER

Width, in pixels, of the device screen.

Screen height Type: NUMBER

Height, in pixels, of the device screen.

Screen density Type: NUMBER

Pixel density of the device screen.

Referrer Type: STRING

Referrer url

User Agent Type: STRING

User agent

Advertising ID Type: STRING

Advertising ID

Ad Tracking Enabled Type: STRING

Ad Tracking Enabled (true or false)

Timezone Type: STRING

The event timezone

App Platform Type: STRING

The App Platform, if applicable

Event Original Name Type: STRING

The Event Original Name, if applicable

Event Properties Type: OBJECT

An object of key-value pairs that represent additional data to be sent along with the event.

UTM Properties Type: OBJECT

UTM Tracking Properties

Batch Data to Mixpanel Type: BOOLEAN

Set as true to ensure Segment sends data to Mixpanel in batches.

Batch Size Type: NUMBER

Maximum number of events to include in each batch. Actual batch sizes may be lower.

User Agent Data Type: OBJECT

The user agent data of device sending the event

Products Type: OBJECT

Products in the order.

Event Name* Type: STRING

The name of the action being performed.

When set Generate Purchase Event Per Product to true, this setting effectively “flattens” the array of objects in the Order Completed’s products property by tracking a Product Purchased event for each item in the array. This enables more sophisticated analysis on a per-product basis in Mixpanel. These Product Purchased events will contain all of the key-value pairs from their respective object in the products array as event properties, along with the order_id and checkout_id from the Order Completed event.

Increment Properties

Increment the value of a user profile property. Learn More.

Increment Properties is a Cloud action. The default Trigger is: type = "track"

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
IP Address Type: STRING

The IP address of the user. This is only used for geolocation and won’t be stored.

User ID Type: STRING

The unique user identifier set by you

Anonymous ID Type: STRING

The generated anonymous ID for the user

Increment Numerical Properties* Type: OBJECT

Object of properties and the values to increment or decrement. For example: `{“purchases”: 1, “items”: 6}}.

Anonymous ID format

Mixpanel requires that values it receives for the anonymous identifier (anonymousId in Segment) must be in the UUID v4 format. Analytics.js sends anonymousId in this format by default. If you manually send anonymous identifiers to Mixpanel, ensure they are in the correct format.

Migration from Mixpanel Classic

Assuming you’re already using Segment Cloud-mode, the Mixpanel (Actions) destination is expected to have no breaking changes when upgrading. With the exception of a few new properties added to your events in the new Actions destination, there should be no difference in the data received in Mixpanel when using either of the Mixpanel destinations.

If you want to confirm, you can configure the new destination to point to a different Mixpanel project and connect it to the same source(s) as the Classic destination and manually verify before fully switching over.

Contact Mixpanel support if you find features missing from the Mixpanel (Actions) destination that were available in the classic Mixpanel destination.

Mixpanel settings mapping

mixpanel Classic Destination Setting How to enable in mixpanel (Actions)
Connection Settings
API Secret
Cloud Device-web Device-mobile

Global Settings

The setting is called Secret Key.

Cloud Device-web Device-mobile

Global Settings

The setting is called Project Token.

Connection Mode
Cloud Device-web Device-mobile
Event Tracking
Track All Pages to Mixpanel with a Consolidated Event Name
Cloud Device-web

Subscription Page Calls

When enabled, Mixpanel (Actions) tracks all Page calls as Viewed {name} by default. You can change the default name by updating the Event Name field.

Events to increment in People
Cloud Device-web Device-mobile

Not supported with Actions.

Track All Pages to Mixpanel
Cloud Device-web

Subscription Page Calls

When enabled, Mixpanel (Actions) tracks all Page calls as Viewed {name} by default. You can change the default name by updating the Event Name field.

Track Categorized Pages to Mixpanel
Cloud Device-web

Subscription Page Calls

When enabled, Mixpanel (Actions) tracks all Page calls as Viewed {name} by default. You can add {category} to the Event Name field.

Track Named Pages to Mixpanel
Cloud Device-web

Subscription Page Calls

When enabled, Mixpanel (Actions) tracks all Page calls as Viewed {name} by default. You can change the default name by updating the Event Name field.

Traits & Properties
Group Identifier Traits
Cloud Device-web Device-mobile

Subscription Group Calls

When enabled, you can set the group key as you specified in Mixpanel under Project settings to the Group Key field. You can also specify group id in the Group ID field directly.

Group Traits to Set Once
Cloud Device-web Device-mobile
Legacy Super Properties
Device-web Device-mobile
Traits to set as People Properties
Cloud Device-web Device-mobile

Subscription Identify Calls

When enabled, Mixpanel (Actions) maps Traits as People Properties by default. You can change it by updating the User Properties field.

Properties to increment in People
Cloud Device-web Device-mobile
Properties to send as Super Properties
Cloud Device-web Device-mobile
Identity Resolution
Use Mixpanel People
Cloud Device-web Device-mobile
Other Settings
Cross Subdomain Cookie
Enable European Union Endpoint
Cloud Device-web Device-mobile

Global Settings

The setting is called Data Residency.

Persistence Type
Secure Cookie
Automatically set all Traits as Super Properties and People Properties
Device-web Device-mobile
Source Name
Cloud Device-web Device-mobile

Global Settings

The setting is called Source Name.


Track events are not attributed to Mixpanel Groups

If the Mixpanel (Actions) destination uses $group_id as the group key, ensure that the mappings handling your track events have the field for Group ID mapped to a valid value. By default, this field maps to the event variable context.groupId.

To send Track events with a custom Group Key, include the key as a property of Track events. For example:

analytics.track('Example Event', { custom_group_key : 'group1' });

Failed events due to timestamp

If your integration is correct and you are still seeing failed events, review and verify that you are sending all date properties as UTC time format, due to Mixpanel timestamp format requirements.

Failed events due to messageId

Segment maps the messageId of a Segment event to Mixpanel’s insert_id value. If you are generating your own messageId, ensure the format complies with Mixpanel’s insert_id requirements. For more information, see Mixpanel’s Import Events documentation.

Failing to generate a messageId that complies with Mixpanel’s insert_id standard might result in a 400 Bad Request error from Mixpanel.

Why is Boardman, Oregon appearing in my users’ profile location field?

If you are seeing traffic from Boardman or see Segment as the browser, you might be sending server side calls to your Mixpanel (Actions) destination. To correctly populate your users’ profile location field, manually pass the IP information in the context object from the server.

Why is the Operating System field empty in Mixpanel?

Mixpanel captures the Operating System field from the “OS Name” field in Segment. For Analytics.js sources, ensure that context.userAgentData.platform is correctly mapped to the “OS Name” field in your destination mappings. If this mapping is missing or misconfigured, the Operating System field may appear empty in Mixpanel.

This page was last modified: 05 Feb 2025

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