CommandBar Destination

CommandBar gives your users a searchable index of your app’s features and content, as well as customizable in-app components, like onboarding nudges. This helps you to better understand user intent and deliver step-change improvements in UX, for new and power users alike. By connecting Segment to CommandBar as a destination, you can trigger nudges and customize CommandBar functionality based on user events and user attributes. The integration also allows you to deploy CommandBar to your users.

To configure CommandBar as an Event Source to get data into your warehouse or other downstream tools, see the CommandBar Source documentation.

Getting started

  1. From the Segment web app, navigate to Connections > Catalog, then select the Destinations tab at the top of the catalog.
  2. Search for CommandBar and select it.
  3. Click Configure CommandBar.
  4. Sign in to CommandBar, click on your organization name in the top right, and copy the Org ID into Organization ID field.
  5. If you want to deploy CommandBar to your users through Segment, check Deploy via Segment.
  6. Select an existing Source to connect to CommandBar.
  7. Once connected, remove the CommandBar snippet or init call from your code (if you have one).

Destination Settings

Setting Description
Deploy via Segment

If enabled, CommandBar will be deployed to your site automatically and you can remove the snippet from your source code.

Organization ID Required.

The ID of your CommandBar organization.

Available Presets

CommandBar has the following presets:

Preset Name Trigger Default Action
Track Event Event type = "track"
Track Event
Identify User Event type = "identify"
Identify User

Available Actions

Build your own Mappings. Combine supported triggers with the following CommandBar-supported actions:

Mapping limits per destination

Individual destination instances have support a maximum of 50 mappings.

Track Event

Submit an event’s properties as CommandBar metaData.

Track Event is a Web action. The default Trigger is: type = "track"

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
Event Name* Type: STRING

The name of the event.

Event Metadata Type: OBJECT

Optional metadata describing the event.

Identify User

Set attributes for the user in CommandBar. If “Deploy via Segment” is enabled, then also boot CommandBar for the user, which makes CommandBar available to the user.

Identify User is a Web action. The default Trigger is: type = "identify"

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
User ID* Type: STRING

The user’s id


Identify users with an HMAC of their user ID; this enables end user customizable shortcuts and other features. Learn about identity verification.

Event Metadata Type: OBJECT

Configures the way the bar is displayed. An ‘inline’ bar is always visible and hosted within an element on your page. A ‘modal’ bar will display in a modal dialog when open.

Traits Type: OBJECT

The Segment traits to be forwarded to CommandBar

Report Web Event


Report Web Event is a Web action. The default Trigger is: type = "track"

This action does not have any fields.

This page was last modified: 06 Dec 2023

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