Quin AI Source

Source Info
  • The Quin AI Source is an Event Cloud source. This means that it sends data as events, which are behaviors or occurrences tied to a user and a point in time. Data from these sources can be loaded into your Segment warehouses, and also sent to Segment streaming destinations. Learn more about cloud sources.

  • This source is in Beta
Partner Owned
  • This integration is partner owned. Please reach out to the partner's support for any issues.

Quin AI is the first deep learning, real-time behavior prediction system dedicated to e-commerce conversion optimization for growth and profitability.

This source is maintained by Quin Audience Engine. For any issues with the source, contact the Quin Audience Engine Support team.

Getting started

  1. From your workspace’s Source page, click Add Source.
  2. Search for “Quin AI” in the Sources Catalog, select Quin AI, and click Add Source.
  3. On the next screen, give the Source a name configure any other settings.
    • The name is used as a label in the Segment app, and Segment creates a related schema name in your warehouse. The name can be anything, but Segment recommends using something that reflects the source itself and distinguishes amongst your environments (eg. QuinAI_Prod, QuinAI_Staging, QuinAI_Dev).
  4. Click Add Source to save your settings.
  5. Copy the Write key from the Segment UI.
    1. Log in to your Quin account and navigate to Integrations > Segment > Settings.
  6. On the Settings page, paste your Segment write key to connect.


Quin AI uses a stream Source component and Track and Identify methods to send event data to Segment. These events are then available in any destination that accepts server-side events and as a schema in your data warehouse that you can query using SQL.

The default behavior is for Quin AI to pass the event data associated with the anonymousId.


The table below lists events that Quin sends to Segment. These events appear as tables in your warehouse and as regular events in other Destinations.

Event Name Description
Page View Get an action after viewing a page
Click Get an action after a click

Event Properties

The table below list the properties included in the events listed above.

Property Name Description
action_audience_id ID of the target audience for the action
action_control_group Boolean indicating if the action is part of a control group
action_id Unique identifier for the action
action_is_custom Boolean indicating if the action is custom
action_name Name of the action
action_type Type of the action
basket_price Total price of the items in the basket
basket_quantity Total quantity of items in the basket
event_action Type of event action (e.g., pageview, click)
event_category Category of the event
event_count Number of events
event_custom_attributes Map of custom attributes associated with the event
evet_duration Duration of the event in seconds
event_label Label of the event
event_platform Platform on which the event occurred (e.g., web, mobile)
event_timestamp Timestamp when the event occurred
event_url URL associated with the event
google_client_id Google Analytics client ID
item_category Category of the item
item_currency Currency of the item price (e.g., TRY)
item_custom_attributes Map of custom attributes associated with the item
item_id Unique identifier for the item
item_name Name of the item
item_price Price of the item
most_visited_category List of most visited categories
most_visited_category_count Number of times the most visited categories were visited
prediction Map of prediction probabilities for various outcomes
returning_user Boolean indicating if the user is a returning user
session_id Unique identifier for the session
utm_campaign UTM campaign parameter
utm_mdedium UTM medium parameter
utm_source UTM source parameter

Adding Destinations

Now that your Source is set up, you can connect to Destinations.

Log into your downstream tools and check to see that your events appear as expected, and that they contain all of the properties you expect.

If there are any issues with how the events are arriving to Segment, contact the Quin AI support team.

This page was last modified: 16 Sep 2024

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