Mailjet Source

Source Info
  • The Mailjet Source is an Event Cloud source. This means that it sends data as events, which are behaviors or occurrences tied to a user and a point in time. Data from these sources can be loaded into your Segment warehouses, and also sent to Segment streaming destinations. Learn more about cloud sources.

This source is supported in US data processing regions.

The Mailjet source is only supported in workspaces configured to process data in the US region. Workspaces configured with data processing regions outside of the US cannot connect to this source. For more information, see Regional Segment.

Mailjet is a powerful email service provider that enables you to send, deliver and track transactional and marketing emails all from one single account. With Mailjet, Marketers and Developers can send and track emails using API, User Interface or SMTP Relay.

Take your company’s email analysis to the next level by adding Mailjet as a Source to Segment. Segment automatically collects email events like Email Delivered and Email Opened, forward them to your destinations, and load them into your data warehouse. 

In your favorite BI or analytics tool, you’ll be able to analyze your email campaigns in SQL or through drag-and-drop reports. And, you’ll be able to join your Mailjet data with the event data you’re already sending through Segment to analyze the down-funnel effects of your emails. 

Getting Started

If you have previously enabled sending email events using the Mailjet destination during our beta (using a project write key), you do not need to create new Mailjet source. Your email data will continue to flow as normal.

  1. From your workspace’s<your-workspace>/sources page, click Add source.

  2. Choose Mailjet.

  3. Give the Source a nickname and a schema name. The nickname is a label used in the Segment interface, and the schema name is the namespace you query against in your warehouse. You can name them however you’d like, but we recommend sticking to something that reflects the Source itself, like Mailjet for nickname and Mailjet for the schema name.

  4. The next page (“Overview”) will surface your Segment write key for Mailjet. Copy this write key. 

  5. To finish the setup, you’ll have to go into your Mailjet account and enter this Segment write key in their integrations settings. Find the right place in Mailjet by clicking App Connections > Segment.

  6. Click Save.

  7. In Segment, click into your Mailjet Source in<your-workspace>/sources. From there you’ll be able to add Destinations where you want to see email events.

That’s it! As you send emails, events will now be sent to your destinations and automatically loaded into any warehouses you have enabled. 



Mailjet uses our stream Source component to send Segment email events. It uses a server-side track method to send data to Segment. These events are then available in any destination that accepts server-side events, and available in a schema in your data warehouse, so you can query using SQL. 

The default behavior is for Mailjet to pass the userId associated with the email recipient as the userId. There are cases in which Mailjet does not have an associated userId, in which case the email address will be passed in as the anonymousId


Collections are the groupings of data we pull from your Source. In your warehouse, each collection gets its own table, as well as a tracks table that aggregates all the events into a single table. 

Collection Type Description
Email Delivered Event Message has been successfully delivered to the receiving server
Email Opened Event Recipient has opened the HTML message. You need to enable Open Tracking for getting this type of event
Email Link Clicked Event Recipient clicked on a link within the message. You need to enable Click Tracking for getting this type of event
Email Unsubscribed Event Recipient clicked on message’s subscription management link
Email Bounced Event Receiving server could not or would not accept message
Email Marked as Spam Event Recipient marked message as spam

This page was last modified: 08 Mar 2022

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