Foursquare Movement Source

Source Info
  • The Foursquare Movement Source is an Event Cloud source. This means that it sends data as events, which are behaviors or occurrences tied to a user and a point in time. Data from these sources can be loaded into your Segment warehouses, and also sent to Segment streaming destinations. Learn more about cloud sources.

Partner Owned
  • This integration is partner owned. Please reach out to the partner's support for any issues.

This source is supported in US data processing regions.

The Foursquare Movement source is only supported in workspaces configured to process data in the US region. Workspaces configured with data processing regions outside of the US cannot connect to this source. For more information, see Regional Segment.

Foursquare’s Movement SDK provides real-time event triggering based upon your users’ location in the physical world, allowing you to harness FourSquare’s powerful geotargeting capabilities to send those events to other services using Segment.

This destination is maintained by Foursquare. For any issues with the destination, contact the Foursquare Developer Support team.

This document is about a source which is in beta

This means that the Foursquare Movement Source is in active development, and some functionality may change before it becomes generally available.

Getting Started

  1. From the Segment web app, click Catalog.
  2. Search for “Foursquare Movement” in the Catalog, select it, and choose which of your sources to connect the it to.
  3. Once you save Foursquare Movement as a source, copy your “Write Key”.
  4. Go to your Foursquare Developer Console and create a new Segment integration in your Foursquare app’s Movement SDK console. There you can enter the Segment “Write Key” into the Segment Integration Configuration screen.


Below is a table of events that Foursquare’s Movement SDK sends to Segment. These events will show up as tables in your warehouse, and as regular events in your other Destinations. Foursquare will send through the userId if available.

Event Name Description
placeArrival Device has arrived at a venue. Usually occurs after 3-7 minutes.
placeDeparture Device has left a visited venue.
placeHistorical Device previously arrived or departed a venue, but the device didn’t have network connectivity at the time, but Foursquare lets you know as soon as they have connectivity again.
geofenceEnter Device has entered a venue, polygon or lat/lng geofence.
geofenceDwell Device has remained within geofence for pre-determined time.
geofenceVenueConfirmed Device has dwelled within geofence AND Foursquare thinks this is actually the venue the device is at.
geofenceExit Device has left geofence.

Event Properties

Below are tables outlining the properties included in the events listed above.

Place Visit Event Properties

All fields are presented as strings.

Property Name Description Values
address Address of visit venue String
city City of visit venue String
confidence How likely Foursquare thinks it’s correct low, medium, high
country Country of visit venue String
crossStreet Cross street of visit venue String
lat Latitude of event Double
lng Longitude of event Double
locationType Indicates if Foursquare thinks this location is device’s home or work, otherwise uses venue work, home, venue
primaryCategoryId Foursquare Category ID of visit venue String
primaryCategoryName Human readable category name of visit venue String
state Abbreviation of state or province of visit venue String
timestamp ISO 8601 timestamp of when event happened Timestamp
venueId Foursquare ID of visit venue String
venueName Name of visit venue String
visitType Visit type arrival, departure, historical
zipCode Zip or postal code for visit venue String


"address": "225 W Ohio St",
"city": "Chicago",
"confidence": "high",
"country": "US",
"crossStreet": "",
"lat": "41.892114",
"lng": "-87.635638",
"locationType": "work",
"primaryCategoryId": "4bf58dd8d48988d130941735",
"primaryCategoryName": "Building",
"probability": "0.5112834298670852",
"state": "IL",
"timestamp": "2020-01-22T15:04:55.000Z",
"venueId": "4d21e2ffdd6a236a9c514338",
"venueName": "225 West Ohio",
"visitId": "5e286497d6d764000801604d",
"visitType": "arrival",
"zipCode": "60654"

Geofence Event Properties

Property Name Description Values
categoryIds Comma separated string of Foursquare category IDs String
geofenceEventType Geofence event type venueEnter, venueDwell, venueConfirmed, venueExit
geofenceId Foursquare Geofence ID String
geofenceLat Latitude of triggered geofence center Double
geofenceLng Longitude of triggered geofence center Double
geofenceName Name of triggered geofence String
geofenceProperties Custom properties of triggered geofence Key/value Pair
radius Minimum 50m, radius of triggered geofence Int
venueChainIds Comma separated string of Foursquare chain IDs String
venueId Foursquare ID of geofenced venue String


"categoryIds": "",
"geofenceEventType": "venueEnter",
"geofenceId": "5dae122e0444bf0008d7f550",
"geofenceLat": "41.89213",
"geofenceLng": "-87.63534",
"geofenceName": "Foursquare Chicago",
"geofenceProperties": {},
"radius": "100.0",
"venueChainIds": "",
"venueId": "52af211911d2aa9d4a1f0e0a"

Adding Destinations

Now that your Source is set up, you can connect it with Destinations.

Log into your downstream tools and check that your events appear and contain all the expected properties. If events and properties do not appear, refer to the Destination docs for troubleshooting.

If you experience any issues with how the events arrive in Segment, contact the Foursquare team.

This page was last modified: 07 Aug 2024

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