CommandBar Source

Source Info
  • The CommandBar Source is an Event Cloud source. This means that it sends data as events, which are behaviors or occurrences tied to a user and a point in time. Data from these sources can be loaded into your Segment warehouses, and also sent to Segment streaming destinations. Learn more about cloud sources.

Partner Owned
  • This integration is partner owned. Please reach out to the partner's support for any issues.

CommandBar gives your users a searchable index of your app’s features and content, as well as customizable in-app components, like onboarding nudges. Better understand user intent and deliver step-change improvements in UX, for new and power users alike. By connecting Segment to CommandBar as a source, you can deliver search and nudge event data directly into Segment in real-time, enabling you to analyze user intent and product usage data in your preferred data tools and enrich user profiles.

This source is maintained by CommandBar. For any issues with the source, contact the CommandBar Support team.

Getting Started

  1. From your workspace’s Sources catalog page search for “CommandBar” and click Add Source.
  2. On the next screen, give the Source a nickname configure any other settings. The nickname will be used to designate the source in the Segment interface, and Segment will create a related schema name. The schema name is the namespace you’ll be querying against in your warehouse.
  3. Copy the Write Key from the Segment UI. If you are not sure where to find your write key, visit Segment’s help document.
  4. Log in to your CommandBar account, and navigate to the Segment integration page.
  5. Paste your Segment Write Key into the text box.
  6. Click “Connect”.
  7. [Optional] Send a test event from the CommandBar Segment integration page, and check your Segment Source Debugger to ensure the integration is properly configured.


Below is a table of events that CommanBar can send to Segment. These events will show up as tables in your warehouse, and as regular events in your other Destinations. The type name corresponds to the value of the “type” key inside the event’s properties.

Event Name Type name Description
Identify N/A CommandBar booted
Opened opened CommandBar opened
Closed closed CommandBar closed. When the bar is closed with input text, it triggers both a closed event and a dead end event. Executions do not trigger closed events.
Abandoned Search abandoned_search A dead end
Command Suggestion command_suggestion Command suggested
Command Execution command_execution Command executed
No Results For Query no_results_for_query User’s search returned no results
Nudge Shown nudge_shown Nudge shown
Nudge Clicked nudge_clicked Nudge clicked
User Changed Shortcut shortcut_edited User edited a command’s shortcut

Event Properties

Each event has its own unique properties. There are also some properties that are shared across events.

All events

Property Name Description Type
end_user The user’s ID. string
organization The CommandBar organization ID. string
search The unique ID for the user’s search, if relevant. string
session The unique ID for the user’s session. string
type The name of the event. string
user_type The type of user. string


Property Name Description Type
formFactor The form factor for CommandBar, when loaded for the user. “modal” , “inline”
userAttributes Attributes that are specific to the user, and which are included in the boot call. object


Property Name Description Type
trigger The entrypoint through which the bar was opened. “launcher” , “keyboard” , “programmatic”


Property Name Description Type
inputText The user’s input text when the bar was closed. string
Property Name Description Type
inputText The text of the dead end. string
trigger The trigger for the dead end. “Backspaced” , “Closed with text” , “Resetting search”
command The id of the currently active command, if there is one. number
resource The context key of the currently active resource, if there is one. string
results Information about the results being displayed when the dead end happened. object

Command Suggestion

Property Name Description Type
text The text of the suggestion. string

Command Execution

Property Name Description Type  
command The unique id of the command. For commands defined in the Editor, the value will be a number. For programmatic commands, the name (string) provided will be used. number string
commandDetails The details of the command. object  
commandText The text of the command. string  
category The category id of the command. Only provided if the command has a category. number  
formFactor The form factor of CommandBar. “modal” “inline”
placeholder The text of the placeholder of CommandBar. string  
previousCommands The IDs of commands executed by the user earlier in the same session. string[]  
ranking The ranking order of the command, if relevant. number  
shortcut True and only provided if this command was triggered by a shortcut. boolean  
source Source of the executed command. “standard” “programmatic”
customShortcut Shortcut string if this command has a custom user-set shortcut. any string
inputText The text of the user’s query. string  
icon The icon of the command, either a path or an SVG. string  
url The URL of the command. Only provided if the command is a Link command. string  

No Results For Query

Property Name Description Type
inputText The text of the user’s query. string

Nudge Shown

Property Name Description Type
id The ID of the nudge. number
slug The slug or name of the nudge. string
frequency_limit The frequency limit of the nudge, for example no_limit. string
on_select The command to execute when the nudge is clicked. object
trigger The trigger for the nudge. object

Nudge Clicked

Property Name Description Type
id The ID of the nudge. number
slug The slug or name of the nudge. string
frequency_limit The frequency limit of the nudge, for example,no_limit. string
on_select The command to execute when the nudge is clicked. object
trigger The trigger for the nudge. object

Shortcut Edited

Property Name Description Type
command The unique id of the command. For commands defined in the Editor, the value will be a number. For programmatic commands, the name (string) provided will be used. number, string
commandText The text of the command. string
category The category id of the command. Only provided if the command has a category. number
source Source of the executed command. “standard”, “programmatic”
defaultShortcut The command’s default shortcut. Empty string if the command does not have a default set. string
oldShortcut Previously set shortcut of the command. string
newShortcut The new user-set shortcut of the command. string

Adding Destinations

Now that your Source is set up, you can connect it with Destinations.

Log into your downstream tools and check to see that your events are populating and they contains all the properties you expect. If all your events and properties are not showing up, refer to the Destination docs for troubleshooting.

If you experience any issues with how the events arrive in Segment, contact the CommandBar team.

This page was last modified: 07 Aug 2024

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