Aircall Source

Source Info
  • The Aircall Source is an Event Cloud source. This means that it sends data as events, which are behaviors or occurrences tied to a user and a point in time. Data from these sources can be loaded into your Segment warehouses, and also sent to Segment streaming destinations. Learn more about cloud sources.

Partner Owned
  • This integration is partner owned. Please reach out to the partner's support for any issues.

This source is supported in US data processing regions.

The Aircall source is only supported in workspaces configured to process data in the US region. Workspaces configured with data processing regions outside of the US cannot connect to this source. For more information, see Regional Segment.

Connect Aircall with Segment to bring Aircall events and phone call data to your data warehouse. Improve your knowledge of customer touchpoints by using call activity.

This source is maintained by Aircall. For any issues with the source, contact the Aircall Support team.

This document is about a source which is in beta

This means that the Aircall Source is in active development, and some functionality may change before it becomes generally available.

Getting Started

Before you start, make sure that you have admin rights in both Aircall and Segment.

To begin, login to your Aircall account.

From your Aircall Dashboard, select Integrations on the left sidebar menu.

  • Select Segment
  • Click on Install

Now you will be guided through three easy steps outlined below.

Step 1: Authenticate Aircall

  • Click on Connect to Aircall.
    • This will open a screen for you to add a required Authentication name. It will not be visible anywhere so any name can be used here – either the suggested default or a name that you choose yourself.
  • Click Add and a pop-up will appear.
    • From the pop-up, click on Authorize to allow this integration to access information about your calls in Aircall. Screenshot of the Aircall Authorize popup.

If the integration is successful, you will see a message that says “Authentication for Aircall successfully created.” Once you see this, click on Next.

Step 2: Authenticate Segment

Click on Connect to Segment

  • This will open a screen for you to add a required Authentication name. You will see a default name already provided for you. While a name is required, it will not be visible anywhere – either use the suggested default or a name that you choose yourself.

  • A Write Key is required. This is a unique tracking key for your project. You can find this key from the Segment dashboard by following the steps below.

    • Login to your Segment account.
    • Go to Source from the left sidebar menu.
    • Click on Add Source and scroll to select HTTP API Screenshot of the Sources Catalog in Segment, with the HTTP API source selected.

    • Click on Connect

    • When creating a new Source setup, you will need to choose a name. We recommend that you choose an identifiable name such as “Aircall” for recognition. Then you may choose the warehouses or destination(s) where you’d like your data to be synced. A screenshot of the Source setup page in Segment, with two warehouses connected.

    • Once your source has been created, a Write Key will be generated. Copy this key and return to the configuration steps in Aircall to paste the key in the field as shown below. Screenshot of the Aircall overview page in Segment, with the Write Key highlighted. Screenshot of the Add Authentication popup in Aircall.

      • Note: if you see a field to input a Engage Key, this field is not required and you can leave this field blank.
    • When finished, click on Add.

If the integration is successful, you will see a message that says “Authentication for Segment successfully created.” Once you see this, click on Next.

Step 3: Select Aircall events to send to Segment

  • There are up to 26 Aircall events that can be pushed to Segment. As such, you will see a list of 26 possible events pre-populated for you as the default setting is for all and every Aircall event to be pushed to Segment.

  • If there are events that you do not want to be sent to Segment, delete the default value(s) shown in the list of 26 events (or write “null”) if you determine that certain events should not be a source for Segment. Screenshot of the Segment menu in Aircall with Segment event names entered in all of the event fields.

  • Click on Finish.

Your integration is active! Now just connect the Aircall number(s) that you would like to be active for this integration and, that’s it! You’re all set and ready to get the most out of your Aircall-Help Segment integration.

Need a little more help? No problem! Just contact our Support Team, we would be happy to help!


Below is a table of events that Aircall sends to Segment. These events will show up as tables in your warehouse, and as regular events in your other Destinations. Aircall will send through the userId if available.

Event Name Description
number.created When a new number is created on your account
number.opened When a number opens according to its opening hours
number.closed When a number closes according to its opening hours
number.deleted When a number is deleted on your account
contact.created When a new contact is created on Aircall
contact.updated When a contact is updated on Aircall
contact.deleted When a contact is deleted on Aircall
user.created When a new user is created on your account
user.opened When an user becomes available according to its working hours
user.connected When an user is logged in Aircall Phone
user.closed When an user becomes unavailable according to its working hours
user.disconnected When an user is logged out of Aircall Phone
user.deleted When a user is deleted on your account
call.created When a new call starts
call.answered When a call is answered
call.hungup When a call is hung up
call.ended When a call ends on your account. It will be sent ~20sec after call is actually hung up, time to gather extra data like recording etc.
call.assigned When a call is assigned to someone
call.archived When a call is archived
call.tagged When a call is tagged by someone
call.untagged When a call is untagged by someone
call.commented When a call is commented by someone
call.transferred When a call is transferred to another person
call.ringing_on_agent When a call starts ringing on an agent’s app
call.agent_declined When an agent declines an inbound call
call.voicemail_left When a voicemail is left on a call

Adding Destinations

Now that your Source is set up, you can connect it with Destinations.

Log into your downstream tools and check to see that your events are populating and they contains all the properties you expect. If all your events and properties are not showing up, refer to the Destination docs for troubleshooting.

If you experience any issues with how the events arrive in Segment, contact the Aircall team.

This page was last modified: 07 Aug 2024

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