Analytics-Kotlin FAQ

What is the latest version of the library?

Analytics-Android is published to Maven Central where you can see all published releases.

Where is the changelog for the library?

You can see a changelog in the GitHub repository, detailing the changes made in each release.

Can I use the library with Maven?

Yes. You can use the Segment library with Maven, or any other custom build system because the core SDK is simply a JAR.


How big is the Segment SDK?

The core Segment SDK is extremely lightweight. The JAR weighs in at 12.3KB.

How should I configure Proguard?

For the Segment SDKs, you can add the following snippet to your Proguard configuration:

    - keep class** { *; }
    - keep class androidx.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleObserver

You should also check the vendor documentation for any Device-mode destinations you are bundling, to see if they include any recommended Proguard configurations.

Do you support Phonegap or Cordova?

Yes. You can use Segment’s browserify’d analytics-node package just like any other client-side JavaScript library.

Can I use the library in Java?

Yes. Please refer to the Java Compatibility doc for sample usages.

My app crashes with NoClassDefFoundError Failed resolution of: Ljava/time/Instant

If you’re on a version prior to 1.10.4, the SDK internally uses a number of Java 8 language APIs through desugaring (see Java 8+ API desugaring support). Please make sure your project either uses Android Gradle plugin 4.0.0 or higher, has a minimum API level of 26, or is upgraded to the latest SDK.

While Analytics Kotlin will automatically track deep links that open your app when the trackDeepLinks Configuration property is set to true. There are some situations when the app is already open that could cause a deep link open event to be missed.

The openUrl function allows you to manually track that a deep link has opened your app while your app was already open:

override fun onNewIntent(intent: Intent?) {

    // Add a deep-link opened event manually.
    // This is necessary when your Activity has a android:launchMode of
    // 'singleInstance', 'singleInstancePerTask', 'singleTop', or any other mode
    // that will re-use an existing Activity instead of creating a new instance.
    // The Analytics SDK automatically identifies when you app is started from 
    // a deep link if the Activity is created, but not if it is re-used. Therefore 
    // we have to add this code to manually capture the Deep Link info.
    val referrer = "unknown" 
    analytics.trackDeepLinkOpen(referrer, intent)

Note: Due to the way deep links are handled in Android, we can not know the referrer when a deep link causes onNewIntent() to be fired instead of onCreate().

For a sample implementation see our Kotlin Sample App.

Will I still see device-mode integrations listed as false in the integrations object?

When you successfully package a plugin in device-mode, you will no longer see the integration listed as false in the integrations object for a Segment event. This logic is now packaged in the event metadata, and is not surfaced in the Segment debugger.

What is the instanceId set in context?

The instanceId was introduced in V 1.10.1 and correlates events to a particular instance of the client in a scenario when you might have multiple instances on a single app.

How should I configure my proxy URL?

To proxy events to Segment’s API, you can configure your proxy URL via the requestFactory setting:

Analytics(BuildConfig.SEGMENT_WRITE_KEY, androidContext()) {
    trackApplicationLifecycleEvents = true
    defaultSettings = Settings(
        integrations = emptyJsonObject
    requestFactory = object : RequestFactory() {

        override fun settings(cdnHost: String, writeKey: String): HttpURLConnection {
            return super.settings("", writeKey)

        override fun upload(apiHost: String): HttpURLConnection {
            return super.upload("")

When proxying your events, you must forward the batched events to The endpoint is reserved for events arriving from server side sending, and proxying to that endpoint for your mobile events may result in unexpected behavior.

This page was last modified: 13 Aug 2024

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