Analytics-Android Wear

Analytics-Android Wear makes it simple to send your data to any tool without having to learn, test, or implement a new API every time.

All of Segment’s client libraries are open-source, so you can view Analytics-Android on GitHub, or check out our browser and server-side libraries too.

Getting Started

To get started with Analytics-Android Wear check out our quickstart guide which will help you install analytics tracking in your mobile app in just a few minutes. Once you’ve installed the SDK, read on for setting it up the wear part of your App. Note that you can only use the Android SDK v2 or later with wear, and that any Beta APIs below are subject to change.

Adding the Wear dependency

Add the wear module to your phone and wear applications.

compile('') {
  transitive = true

Initializing the client

The entry point of the library is through the WearAnalytics class. Segment maintains a global default instance. Unlike the Android mobile SDK, this instance is not configurable because it doesn’t have its own settings. It proxies all calls to the device, which then call the analytics client on the phone. A later step explains how to customize the phone client.

WearAnaytics analytics = WearAnalytics.with(context);

Setting up the Phone Manifest

In your AndroidManifest.xml, you’ll need to register the PhoneAnalyticsListenerService service.

<manifest xmlns:android=""


  <application ...>

        <action android:name=""/>

    <meta-data android:name=""



Custom Client

To customize the analytics client, you can subclass PhoneAnalyticsListenerService and override the getAnalytics() method. By default Segment uses the singleton instance, but you can provide Segment with custom instances. We recommend that you reuse the same instance in your phone app. Remember to register your subclassed service instead of the Segment default one.

The getAnalytics() method is used for every call, so make sure you return the same instance each time.


The track method lets you record the actions your users perform, and record additional properties the action.

You probably want to track an event whenever the user clicks, taps or submits something in your app. You can read more about how it works in the Track spec documentation.

analytics.track("Viewed Product", new Properties().putValue("name", "Moto 360"));
analytics.track("Purchased Item", new Properties().putValue("sku", "13d31").putRevenue(199.99));
name String,required A name for the tracked action.
properties Properties,optional A map of properties for this action, e.g. revenue if the action was a purchase.


The Screen method lets you record the screens your users view.

You might record a screen event an event whenever the user opens a screen in your app. This could be a view, fragment, dialog or activity depending on your app. You can read more about how it works in the Screen call spec documentation.

Not all services support Screen calls, so when it’s not supported explicitly, the screen method tracks as an event with the same parameters.

analytics.screen("Photo Feed", "", new Properties().putValue("Feed Length", "26"));
analytics.screen("Purchase Screen", "Smartwatches", new Properties().putValue("sku", "13d31"));
name String,optional* A name for the screen. Optional if category is provided.
category String,optional* A category for the screen. Optional if name is provided.
properties Properties,optional A map of properties for this screen.

This page was last modified: 13 Aug 2024

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